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My IP Hide
If you only need to access blocked sites, please try My IP Hide. Here is the comparison between My IP Hide and Socks Proxy Checker.

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Quick Guide for Socks Proxy Checker
1) Import the socks proxies
If you bought the socks proxy list service, please just click the menu File->Download list.
You can also get some free socks proxies from Socks Proxy or My-Proxy Socks. Open the socks proxy list page, select the proxies and click ctrl+c to copy them into memory. Open Socks Proxy Checker, click ctrl+v to paste the proxies into it.
2) Check the socks proxies
Click the Socks Proxy Checker menu Test->All to test all the socks proxies.
3) Use the socks proxies
Double click one working socks proxy in Socks Proxy Checker to use it in your browser. Of course you can also use socks proxy in other programs.
User Interface of Socks Proxy Checker
Main Window
The main windows contain the socks proxy list and the details (speed, version, gateway, smtp, danger, country and UDP feature) of them. If you double click a socks proxy to set it as active proxy for your browser (IE or Firefox), it will be shown in the lower-left table.

Filter Dialog
In this dialog you can choose the countries you are interested. Socks Proxy Checker will only show the socks proxies in those countries that you are checked.

Setting Dialog
Socks Proxy Checker tests the proxies faster if the Threads is bigger but it will make your surfing slow if the number is too big. We recommend using the default value (5 for XP, 20 for Win7).
In the Test items box, you can choose whether to test the speed, version, gateway, smtp, danger, country and UDP feature of the socks proxies.

Export Dialog
In the dialog you can easily select what type of proxies you want to export. It's also very convenient if you want to post your proxies in forums.

About Dialog
In order to generate the serial number for professional edition, you may be asked to submit your SPC Computer ID in this dialog that is bound with your hardware, which can be invoked by clicking SPC menu Help->About.